A tiny workspace


Haven’t been online and active for some time. I was very busy accommodating a small workspace in the living room. I have some IKEA pieces of furniture that I did not want to modify extensively, but to adapt somehow for my small projects. I built a shelf and a custom drawer, now being almost done with the arrangements:

Will follow: cables, wiring, lighting. I’ll post pictures soon.

FTP in Mac OS X Lion

With the release of their latest OS, Lion, Apple dropped support for FTP activation via System Preferences → Sharing. As all my wordpress developments are tested locally on a MacBook Pro, I needed to have a way to use FTP for remote plugin installation or system upgrades. It seems that even if FTP activation is […]

Finally arrived !

I just got it few days ago, a superb brand new Agilent 2002A Digital Storage Oscilloscope. Needless to say that I am absolutely thrilled by this 2G/s 70Mhz baby. It is a perfect addition for my electronics projects. Now I am playing with it, much to discover in the documentation. It comes with a CD […]

Agilent DSOX 2002A

2 responses to “A tiny workspace”

  1. Florin says:

    Ti-au iesit super sertarele.

    • AlaudaProjects says:

      Da, dar m-am chinuit la el ! Noroc cu rigla și creionul. Oricum, mi-am dat seama că una dintre cele mai utile unelte este echerul de metal reglabil. De bază.

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