Keysight’sAgilent’s InfiniiVision 2000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Programmer’s Guide is highly recommended for anyone interested in remotely controlling KeysightAgilent InfiniiVision 2000 X-Series Oscilloscopes. Via back USB slot. For example:
Unfortunately, the [remote] control is limited only to Win PCs. AFAIK. Have to write a review soon about the cool KeysightAgilent Connection Expert, the client app installed together with the KeysightAgilent IO Libraries Suite software (available from the KeysightAgilent web site at
I have it installed on a small Toshiba 550D 10″ series netbook that I bought specially for my DIY projects and updated the RAM to 4GB + SO (got a Win7 Home edition license because the default Win 7 Starter Edition is cr@p. Frankly.)
(In one of my future projects I will try to make it communicate with my Mac or, even better, with my iPad via wireless connection and a custom iOS app)
Anyway, before anything be sure to thoroughly read chapter 2 from the guide:
…This chapter explains how to install the Agilent IO Libraries Suite software, connect the oscilloscope to the controller PC, set up the oscilloscope, and verify the oscilloscope connection…
Guide contents (from Keysight’sAgilent’s guide):
- Chapter 1, “What’s New,” starting on page 21, describes programming command changes in the latest version of oscilloscope software.
- Chapter 2, “Setting Up,” starting on page 29, describes the steps you must take before you can program the oscilloscope.
- Chapter 3, “Getting Started,” starting on page 39, gives a general overview of oscilloscope program structure and shows how to program the oscilloscope using a few simple examples.
- Chapter 4, “Commands Quick Reference,” starting on page 53, is a brief listing of the 2000 X-Series oscilloscope commands and syntax.
- Chapter 5, “Common (*) Commands,” starting on page 97, describes commands defined by the IEEE 488.2 standard that are common to all instruments.
- Chapter 6, “Root (:) Commands,” starting on page 123, describes commands that reside at the root level of the command tree and control many of the basic functions of the oscilloscope.
- Chapter 7, “:ACQuire Commands,” starting on page 159, describes commands for setting the parameters used when acquiring and storing data.
- Chapter 8, “:BUS Commands,” starting on page 173, describes commands that control all oscilloscope functions associated with the digital channels bus display.
- Chapter 9, “:CALibrate Commands,” starting on page 183, describes utility commands for determining the state of the calibration factor protection button.
- Chapter 10, “:CHANnel Commands,” starting on page 193, describes commands that control all oscilloscope functions associated with individual analog channels or groups of channels.
- Chapter 11, “:DEMO Commands,” starting on page 213, describes commands that control the education kit (Option EDU) demonstration signals that can be output on the oscilloscope’s Demo 1 and Demo 2 terminals.
- Chapter 12, “:DIGital Commands,” starting on page 219, describes commands that control all oscilloscope functions associated with individual digital channels.
- Chapter 13, “:DISPlay Commands,” starting on page 227, describes commands that control how waveforms, graticule, and text are displayed and written on the screen.
- Chapter 14, “:EXTernal Trigger Commands,” starting on page 235, describes commands that control the input characteristics of the external trigger input.
- Chapter 15, “:FUNCtion Commands,” starting on page 241, describes commands that control math waveforms.
- Chapter 16, “:HARDcopy Commands,” starting on page 259, describes commands that set and query the selection of hardcopy device and formatting options.
- Chapter 17, “:MARKer Commands,” starting on page 277, describes commands that set and query the settings of X-axis markers (X1 and X2 cursors) and the Y-axis markers (Y1 and Y2 cursors).
- Chapter 18, “:MEASure Commands,” starting on page 293, describes commands that select automatic measurements (and control markers).
- Chapter 19, “:MTESt Commands,” starting on page 337, describes commands that control the mask test features provided with Option LMT.
- Chapter 20, “:POD Commands,” starting on page 371, describes commands that control all oscilloscope functions associated with groups of digital channels.
- Chapter 21, “:RECall Commands,” starting on page 377, describes commands that recall previously saved oscilloscope setups, reference waveforms, or masks.
- Chapter 22, “:SAVE Commands,” starting on page 385, describes commands that save oscilloscope setups, screen images, and data.
- Chapter 23, “:SYSTem Commands,” starting on page 405, describes commands that control basic system functions of the oscilloscope.
- Chapter 24, “:TIMebase Commands,” starting on page 419, describes commands that control all horizontal sweep functions.
- Chapter 25, “:TRIGger Commands,” starting on page 431, describes commands that control the trigger modes and parameters for each trigger type.
- Chapter 26, “:WAVeform Commands,” starting on page 469, describes commands that provide access to waveform data.
- Chapter 27, “:WGEN Commands,” starting on page 505, describes commands that control waveform generator (Option WGN) functions and parameters.
- Chapter 28, “:WMEMory Commands,” starting on page 523, describes commands that control reference waveforms.
- Chapter 29, “Obsolete and Discontinued Commands,” starting on page 533, describes obsolete commands which still work but have been replaced by newer commands and discontinued commands which are no longer supported.
- Chapter 30, “Error Messages,” starting on page 581, lists the instrument error messages that can occur while programming the oscilloscope.
- Chapter 31, “Status Reporting,” starting on page 589, describes the oscilloscope’s status registers and how to check the status of the instrument.
- Chapter 32, “Synchronizing Acquisitions,” starting on page 609, describes how to wait for acquisitions to complete before querying measurement results or performing other operations with the captured data.
- Chapter 33, “More About Oscilloscope Commands,” starting on page 619, contains additional information about oscilloscope programming commands.
- Chapter 34, “Programming Examples,” starting on page 629.
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