Some more days passed and some more finishing touches added to my MacSCPI app. It is entirely dependent on hooking the device via the USBTMC driver, but it works fine and is stable: I had some problems with buffer padding and the output it is still not 100% gibberish–free , but I assume I have to play with […]
USBTMC driver for Mac
After some head banging, I finally managed to send SCPI commands from my Mac to my Agilent (Keysight) DSOX2002A. I’ve worked on this since december last year. Almost a year, but I did not spent a sustained amount of effort. I did it just during my free time. I still have a day job that […]
Rigol Spectrum Analyzer !
I’ve kept drooling for this for several years. Today I finally got it ! Moreover, it seems it is fully-option enabled, which is kinda weird because I haven’t ordered for such. However, here it is: the Rigol DSA 815 TG Spectrum Analyzer with tracking generator. This will enhance my lab’s capabilities in RF electronics and […]
Agilent DSO-X 2002A driver for Mac OS X
December again, another year passed. Traditionally, this is a month when I am taking a long break. But I was up to something in the past days and I wanted to share. I have created a driver for my KeysightAgilent DSO-X 2002A oscilloscope. Maybe not a big deal, but huge for me because this is […]