Snow at last !


Last night it started snowing. For the last five years, we barely saw any snow in the city. When I was a kid, like half a century ago, there were winters when one could barely get out from the house without a shovel. Not anymore. We managed to f…k the nature.

We enjoyed a walk in our local park. It was thrilling.

RF Proto Board v2.0 — arrived from JLCPCB !

RF prototype boards arrived today from JLCPCB. The service was, as always, very fast and flawless. Seems they have a direct arrangements with Customs because I was not required to pay anything. I ordered 100 pcs for a total amount of 157 euros, apx 1.57 euro per piece. This includes manufacturing and shipment via DHL. […]

Tidying up my shack

After quite some time when this space was in a mess, today I took almost a quantum leap: organizing everything and make it ready for my next projects was not an easy job. I miss building stuff and this space is perfect for such things. Some of my favourite tools are in the picture: the […]

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