Not very often I have the occasion to salvage some good parts from throw–away devices. Two days ago I found an empty TV set carcass lying on the sidewalk with some pieces left. The rest was — probably — savagely ripped off for copper and some other metals. It’s a bit of shame to see such devices that were once bought in millions to have such a despicable fate. More importantly, this big hypocrisy about preserving the environment and little kids in Nigeria and China is a bullshit. Nobody gives a damn to recycle anything. Or very few, maybe. A pileup of rubbish made of such toxic and dangerous materials is accumulating slowly.
However, I still found some (very dirty) circuit boards with some pieces on them and, in the next couple of days, I will salvage those that might be useful. Some pictures for now with comments in captions:
- The part I was able to salvage. The rest was gone, probably ripped of by other scavengers. 🙂 I will definitely use most of the parts here, especially because these are exotic components and prices for similar, new, components are quite high.
- This is a Toshiba RF power choke, but still was not able to get any more information about it. Maybe it’s time for some educational quality time and measure parameters with the good old fashioned way.
- Probably not much use of this, TDA8362 is a PAL/SECAM/NTSC integrated processor used for input blocks in some older TV sets. Anyway, I will try to remove it from the board and see if anyone has any good use of it.
- The board has a lot of capacitors. I will make up a small kit out of there. Tantalum caps are especially interesting due to their very low ESR and ability to reject RF ripple in power sources. The only problem I might face is to identify the values.
- Daewoo caps, which make me thing this was a Daewoo TV set. Who else would use these crappy caps anyway ? They don’t show any obvious signs of aging, no swollen caps no other signs. Will test them anyway. Some ceramics can also be seen here, some diodes and part of the SCART TH connector. The blurry orange shape in the background is a group of tantalums.
- Probably some chokes. Same issues with value determination might occur here too. Have to see.
- The board is full of diodes and — what seem to be — chokes. In the foreground, the SCART connector and a high–voltage 6μ8 electrolytic. Several power resistors too (probably 2–5 Watt, transistors and ceramic caps.
- These are huge. And very pricey as new. What seem to be 400V tantalum caps, mounted in parallel, probably in some filtering block for the RF entry. The one with marking is a 300 nF cap, with 5% tolerance (the “J” means 5%). These come very handy for my USB–controlled lab power supply. I am not quite sure, though, that these are tantalum since 400V rating is a bit unusual for these.
- These large (power) resistors are very handy, especially now when I started that USB–controlled low-power power supply. These are a 4k7 and 1k 5% (I think) 2W resistors, used in the power section of the video processor. A bit twisted, but these do take heavier damage. To extract, clean and use.
That’s it for now. Next steps: get them out from these broken boards, clean them, sort and value them. And — not the least — use them.
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