Until recently I have extensively used my MacBook, AVRDude and USBTiny for my μController projects:
Now I got myself a proper tool, the AVRISP markII, mostly because I wanted to use AVRStudio 6.0 features:
Key features:
- Programs both flash and EEPROM
- Supports fuses and lock bit programming
- Upgradeable for future device support
- Supports target voltages from 1.8V to 5.5V
- Adjustable ISP programming speed (50Hz to 8MHz SCK frequency)
- USB 2.0 compliant (full speed, 12Mbps)
- Powered from USB, does not require external power supply
- Target interface protection
- Short-circuit protection
This tool is used for field upgrades of Atmel 8-bit AVR microcontrollers with ISP or PDI interfaces. Using the included AVR Studio® software, designers can program tinyAVR and megaAVR devices using the ISP Interface, tinyAVR devices using the TPI interface, and AVR XMEGA devices using the PDI Interface. The AVR Studio online-help contains the most current information and a complete list of supported devices.
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