I had a lot to do these days and did not manage to keep up with the blog. Very busy time at the office before Christmas. Luckily, I’ll get my vacation soon by I swear I will not spend it on much anything else than reading paper books. And books which are not about programming, […]
Usage of void in C
Going into some USB programming for a project I am into (on my Mac), I ran into this and I thought would be nice and useful to elaborate a bit. This is about void* pointers and callbacks in C. USB device discovery and probing under IOKit makes heavy use of callbacks, I wanted to write […]
Using LLDB Commands in XCode 4
The rationale for Apple’s move to LLVM and slowly parting with the aging GCC has a long history and is out of the scope of this brief tutorial on LLVM commands. The primary reason for switching from GCC to Clang — probably — is the incompatibility of GCC’s GPL v3 license with the goals of […]
Chasing Zombies in XCode 4
Ok, this will be a short one. Probably I will create a category like “code snippets and hints” to include all these small articles. This is about zombies in your coding projects and how to chase them. Enabling a project to trace zombies is different in XCode 4 than in previous versions. There is a […]
How to use XCode 4 Exception Breakpoints
I will probably write a longer article on exception handling in XCode, for now just a quickie: how to use XCode 4 exception breakpoints, use the breakpoint customization features and get useful information for debugging. Usually when the app is crashing, a lot of cryptical mumbo-jumbo is displayed in the console. You have to dig the […]
Core Animation documentation revisited
January brings updated documentation from Apple and I want to share the link to the completely rewritten Core Animation Programming Guide. The release notes include reference to a “Major revamp, reorganization, and expansion to cover modern Core Animation behavior in iOS and OS X”. Just in time, as some of my projects rely on this. […]
NSOutlineView — Inside Out 2
Some good months ago I started a series on NSOutlineView that I didn’t imagine it will stir such an interest. To my astonishment, googling NSOutlineView ranks my post fourth in the search, immediately after Apple’s official documentation and some other two links: This intriguing situation (nevertheless inspiring for me) might have to do with the […]
Until recently I have extensively used my MacBook, AVRDude and USBTiny for my μController projects: Now I got myself a proper tool, the AVRISP markII, mostly because I wanted to use AVRStudio 6.0 features: Key features: Programs both flash and EEPROM Supports fuses and lock bit programming Upgradeable for future device support Supports target voltages from […]