Fresh breath of air for this website


Greetings !

My Yaesu FT5D, a great handheld.

My Yaesu FT5D, a great handheld.

I completely neglected this website for a considerable amount of time. Simply I didn’t have either time or desire to write anything here.

With this coming spring in 2023, with all this war and madness around us, I dug out my older passions, let them see the light again, made more time for myself and for my hobbies.

So… I want to give it fresh look and content so I will try to post more. My intention is to do a complete revamp of the theme, to make it more modern, responsive for all types of devices.

One of the major changes around the corner, is a tighter integration with my YouTube channels. More video content and less text. I find much easier to speak than write and even a short footage counts sometimes more than a thousand written words.

However, the Blog section will probably get the most amount of posts as I will try to write daily. My Ham radio projects will also be mirrored here. YO3ITI website is basically a wiki, written in Romanian, so anything “internationalized” will probably end up here.

That’s it for now.

Fingers crossed.

Spring in Bucharest

Spring in Bucharest

KiCad 7.0 – track has unconnected end

A lot of microscopic tracks that needed to be cleaned up in your KiCad PCB project might end up messing with your DRC report: You just need to select and delete the culprit, then DRC gets cleared: Hope this helps. Greetings !

Motor drivers for antenna rotator

I made some progress on my antenna rotator project and installed the stepper drivers and the Raspberry Pi computer. I bought two drivers from and these should work just fine. They are based on Toshiba TB6560AHQ, PWM Chopper-Type Bipolar Driver IC for Stepping Motor Control. The datasheet can be downloaded from here. My projects […]

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