Short Assembly test in Fusion 360: RoLink + Raspberry


A very short clip with assembly test in Autodesk Fusion360: Raspberry Pi and a hat I designed for mobile radio. This type of simulation is extremely useful to pin point issues in mechanical design and assemblies (see at 0:35), that can be avoided early in the manufacturing process. I will create a more detailed tutorial on the same in a future video.

Kicad & Autodesk Fusion 360

I published on YouTube a video about how to export ecad files in KiCad and import them in Autodesk Fusion 360 to create nice electromechanical assemblies. Captions in english.

Build SvxLink on Orange Pi — aide-mémoire

This is mostly a memory helper, to remind me some steps in the setup of Svxlink on Orange Pi Load packages sudo apt update sudo apt install g++ cmake make libsigc++-2.0-dev libgsm1-dev libpopt-dev tcl8.5-dev libgcrypt20-dev libspeex-dev libasound2-dev libopus-dev librtlsdr-dev doxygen groff alsa-utils vorbis-tools curl libcurl4-openssl-dev git rtl-sdr libcurl4-openssl-dev Create svxlink user and add to groups […]

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