Cleaning my old Panasonic phone


Today: I am cleaning my old and very dirty Panasonic corded phone. I kept this relic because, being powered from the provider, it does not need batteries and it very reliable. I also own an older rotary phone (kept for the very same reasons).

OCXO tests

A couple of months passed since I purchased two 10 MHz OCXO modules from eBay. And, to my shame, I didn’t even tried these. Yesterday I did a quick test and the devices are spot on. Both measured on my TTi TF930 3GHz frequency counter: The OCXO needs apx 10 minutes for proper warm up […]

A visit to a special workshop

My friends from YO5KUC Ham Radio Club embarked on a very ambitious project: they want to participate in the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program. Now, for those of you that are not familiar with ARISS, this is a awesome educational project run by NASA: “ARISS lets students worldwide experience the excitement of […]

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