Low Power Digitally-controlled Dual PSU


It comes a moment for any electronics hobbyist to build a power supply unit. Probably is one of the most useful and basic projects that you can go for. Well… one can easily buy those, but what’s the fun then ?

However, the majority of PSUs available on the market are high-power (high-current) PSUs. With huge transformers (if linear), heavy and big for my limited hobbyist corner, would probably be a future consideration. But my vast amount of projects use a max 0.5 amps for supply, so I needed a compact PSU that could deliver the needed voltage without taking half of my workspace. So I built this:

And here you can watch a ripple measurement with my Fluke 289:

Home improvements

I’ve been quite busy the past few weeks doing improvements to this blog. I have used the twenty-ten WordPress theme that I was never very happy with. Not a big deal, anyway. The content is much more important. But the biggest complaint that I had was with an endless list of plugins that I installed […]

Missing WordPress Link Manager

WordPress users that updated the blog platform to version 3.5 might have observed that the link manager is missing from the admin pages: It seems that WordPress announced this as one of the major core changes when they released version 3.5: One other major change is the Link Manager. If you’re using it, you’ll want […]

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