Today’s goodie is an iPad app, Multisim Circuit Explorer. A cool iPad app, designed for iPad not “iPad compatible”. It is from National Instruments and I found it while browsing the App Store. Kudos to NI, and consider this a warm invitation for all others that can share their huge knowledge via this kind of content too. Not to mention the PR effects.
“Explore and understand common electronic circuits with Multisim Circuit Explorer. This textbook curriculum companion allows you to immediately see the effect of electronic parameters when modified for 18 circuits…”
You just touch the components and a pop up will appear allowing you to modify the parameter and see the effect, in real-time, on the right hand graph.
The only downside of this fab looking app is the limitation to 18 circuits. It is crippled, sadly. They can add more theory. And some more calculus won’t hurt. Maybe some more complex circuitry? What about current sources, or MOSFETs, or switching PSU? RF? Hopefully they will update the content in future releases and might also raise the price if they want because definitely this is a bang for the buck. One can make it modular: buy modules that you need, enhance the content. Whatever! The sky’s the limit. But I surely wait to get closer to their non-mobile editions (quite too complex, though) and enhance their app base in the App Store. Which, by the way, contain these apps:
I will check the other too. But this version of Multisim has a lot of potential is quite useful. At least for beginners, but there will always be beginners. We all were beginners.
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