Time Capsule Repair


Some time ago, my old Time Capsule died. It simply did not start. I read that this is an issue that plague all older (first and second generation) TCs. The culprits are four electrolytic capacitors inside the switching power supply, two 1,500 µF, one 1,000 µF and one 470 µF. The 1,500 µF were badly swolen. I finally repaired it today after I ordered the spare parts from Mouser:

Unfortunately the plastic wrapper simply dissintegrated while I was trying to open up the power source. It is unbelievable such a cheap solution was chosen by Apple to package the power source. I had to cover the entire module in electrical tape, not before I completely wrapped the source in kapton.

How to start with FPGA

The title of this post might seem a bit too pretentious because it might imply that I am in the position to provide the ultimate recipe on how to train yourself into FPGA. However, it is more like a review on how I did it and some advices based on my limited experience. But this […]

AD8307 RF Power Meter III — build

This will be another short post. I also made the GitHub repo public, but please be aware, current design is flawed. If you use it, you acknowledge that you use it on your own risk. Today I managed to build the revision 1.0 of this power sensor, not without some lessons learned. It was my […]

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