How To’s

Time Capsule Repair

Some time ago, my old Time Capsule died. It simply did not start. I read that this is an issue that plague all older (first and second generation) TCs. The culprits are four electrolytic capacitors inside the switching power supply, two 1,500 µF, one 1,000 µF and one 470 µF. The 1,500 µF were badly swolen. […]

How to install Python 3.7 on Raspberry Pi

This short guide explains how to install Python version 3.7.0 on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian. First, get rid of old versions: Ensure system is up to date: Install the dependencies needed for building the distribution: build-essential tk-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libreadline6-dev libdb5.3-dev libgdbm-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev libbz2-dev libexpat1-dev liblzma-dev zlib1g-dev libffi-dev Get the python src distribution: […]

Repair of a cassette deck

I twenty dollars for this superb cassette deck. The playback and recording heads were in excellent shape and I used this deck for some years, playing and recording on NOS (new old stock) tapes, mostly chrome type II and metal – type IV, that I purchased on eBay. However, one day the entire head block […]

Simple and default UIPickerView

UIPickerView Tutorial — part 2

Before we continue the second installment in the series of basic tutorials about UIPickerView usage and customization, a short digression. Most Cocoa/ Cocoa Touch tutorials assume that all connections to delegates, data sources and outlets are done visually in XCode. Our previous example was no exception. You can see from the project (gave the link below) […]

Bootable USB Drive with OS X Mavericks — Fastest Way

Apple released its latest OS X version, 10.9 or “Mavericks”. Quote Apple: “With more than 200 new features, OS X Mavericks brings Maps and iBooks to the Mac, introduces Finder Tabs and Tags, enhances multi-display support and includes an all-new version of Safari.” Cool, ain’t it ? But this I like most: “The latest release […]

Split NSArray based on characters

Arrays are omnipresent. As I needed a snippet to make a string into an array of values, I thought would be helpful to share this for beginners. For example, take a string variable like, Create an array variable “array1” as:- I used the for loop to know the array1 values, which is displayed in Console […]

Simple and default UIPickerView

iOS 7 UIPickerView Simple Application

Recently I was asked by a friend to provide some support with UIPickerView in iOS 7. He was a bit puzzled by what it seemed to be the impossibility to pad the content of each picker view row to a certain distance from the left side of the UIPickerView. Basically, let’s consider the following example. […]

Auto-increment versioning in XCode 5

Ok, this will be quick. There is no built-in feature or that supports automatic code versioning in XCode. I am talking about auto incrementing versions or build numbers in XCode plist, aka “CFBundleVersion” info.plist entry. Here’s a quick one for XCode 5. Make sure your target has an *Info.plist file. Add an entry there, as […]

How to create hatching in Illustrator

Couple of days ago I need to create a hatched drawing for one of my project plan. Discovered a neat way to create hatching in Illustrator and I thought it might be useful to share. Create a new document, any size. Press “M” to access the Rectangle Tool: Click on the canvas and make a […]

Anti aliasing Illustrator features for web artwork

While creating some artwork for an article, I ran into an interesting anti aliasing Illustrator feature. That might be handy for you to know. Exporting images for web (“Save for web”) uses Cmd-Opt-Shift-S shortcut (Ctrl-Alt-Shift-S on Windows). This brings the following screen: You have three anti aliasing Illustrator options for the look of your exported artwork: […]

NSOutlineView — Inside Out

This is the first part of a series I intend to maintain on NSOutlineView. Some NSOutlineView basics and a very simple example.

FTP in Mac OS X Lion

With the release of their latest OS, Lion, Apple dropped support for FTP activation via System Preferences → Sharing. As all my wordpress developments are tested locally on a MacBook Pro, I needed to have a way to use FTP for remote plugin installation or system upgrades. It seems that even if FTP activation is […]

Keyboard shortcuts in XCode 4

First things first. Let’s present the navigator shortcuts. The Workspace Window has the following for areas: Opened with all areas active: Pressing cmd + 0 hides Project Navigator (left area): Pressing opt + cmd + 0 hides Utilities Area (right area): Pressing shift + cmd + Y hides Debug Area (bottom area). Always useful to […]

How to create Arduino brush for Syntax Highlighter

For my Arduino lessons I needed to add WordPress support for Arduino syntax highlighting. A custom brush for SyntaxHighlighter plugin that would format and color my Arduino syntax similar to the application (see here an example). This is what I did.