
Error opening serial port

Encouraged by the latest developments, today I started building a new application that will  allow remote connection to Kenwood TH-D74, remote control and APRS data transfer. However, while building and running the app I got the following error: If you encounter this, be aware that it is generated by application sandboxing. You can think of using […]

TH-D74 BLE or “Bluetooth Low Energy”

Struggling to understand how Universal Unique IDs work (see here) I was wrongly assuming that Core Bluetooth is a framework from Apple that covers all aspects of communication with devices via BT. I was WRONG ! scanForPeripheralsWithServices method and, in general, what I tried to do, for almost a week, is NOT good for my intended […]

Using UUIDs and Bluetooth

I did some more steps towards accessing Kenwood TH-D74’s services via bluetooth. I struggled for some time understanding how discovery based on UUIDs work. I was not aware that, for each service profile, there is a standard Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) documented in Bluetooth SIG specs. Specifically for Serial Port Profile (SPP) service, the UUID […]

Why unsupported central manager state ?

Several days ago I received a Kenwood TH D74 portable transceiver. Although I have a Yaesu FT60 and some other smaller and unimportant transceivers, I don’t have any transceiver that is APRS capable. What’s more important, this transceiver is BT and USB capable, providing serial communication, which opens some interesting opportunities. Today I opened XCode […]