Năsăud Cup, 2017

Ham Radio FM Contest closer to the stars


There is nothing better than marrying several hobbies and have fun from it. I have had the intention to be part of this expedition at least since I heard about this contest for the first time. My good friends from Năsăud planned this thoroughly. All our equipment was carried by three 4×4, manned by a group of highly enthousiastic friends so we were able to enjoy the hike without a significant load on our shoulders.

Although we camped only for one night, it was an awesome experience. Getting out for a weekend trekking expedition and ham contest on the top of the hills and having a midnight party @ 1,300 meters above sea level, under a clear sky and stars together with kids and wives and a huge cauldron of a gulyás-like mix of sausages, smoked ham, potatoes and a mix of other tasty secret ingredients… Late at night most of the gang just went back to the city and left us up there with some booze. We went to sleep around 3:00 a.m., listening to the distant thunders roaring around Țibleș mountains.

All these pictures were taken in the first weekend of August 2017 during “Năsăud Cup” FM Contest. Enjoy also the YouTube video at the bottom (apologies, but only in romanian; I am working on the subtitles. 😉

Repair of a cassette deck

I twenty dollars for this superb cassette deck. The playback and recording heads were in excellent shape and I used this deck for some years, playing and recording on NOS (new old stock) tapes, mostly chrome type II and metal – type IV, that I purchased on eBay. However, one day the entire head block […]

A cold war era reel-to-reel

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