January brings updated documentation from Apple and I want to share the link to the completely rewritten Core Animation Programming Guide. The release notes include reference to a “Major revamp, reorganization, and expansion to cover modern Core Animation behavior in iOS and OS X”. Just in time, as some of my projects rely on this. I have to dive a bit deeper to understand the changes and have another posts on these. For now, I will enjoy the reading:
At a glance, Core Animation documentation is structured on:
- Managing application content via Core Animation (Relevant Chapters: “Core Animation Basics”, “Setting Up Layer Objects”);
- Core Animation methods and messages triggered by layer modifications (Relevant Chapters: , “Animating Layer Content”, “Advanced Animation Tricks”, “Layer Style Property Animations”, “Animatable Properties”);
- Using hierarchies to organize layers in Core Animation (Relevant Chapters: “Building a Layer Hierarchy”);
- Change default behavior of layers using Core Animation actions (Relevant Chapters: “Changing a Layer’s Default Behavior”).
This document also provides information about the integration between layers and views for both iOS and OS X. The integration between layers and views is different on iOS and OS X and understanding those differences is important to being able to create efficient animations.
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